On Line Backgammon
Backgammon Throughout the Ages
The history of backgammon dates back to as early as 5000 years ago. It was then known as the Wee Battle, another name for backgammon which is the oldest board game in history. Now, this board game is being enjoyed worldwide by thousands of players thru the online gaming at the internet.
Tracing the history of backgammon as it was dated back 5000 years ago, Egyptian kings and pharaohs and such people of the royal blood are the only type of class that can play "Senat" an ancient game that is similar to backgammon. As years passed, the popularity of the game grew and extended to other nations and cultures. But the growth of this game was stopped when the church then declared that it was a game that was derived from evil. Eventually, years passed and the controversies subsided. This boardgame returned to the gaming scene and became permanent fixtures in ancient homes.
In Greece, the Greeks called this game "Bac Gamen" The history of backgammon continued as it evolved simultaneously with men's development and cultural diversities. The name Backgammon was adopted by the Englishmen during the 17th century, probably taken from the French word "back" and "gamen" which means back game. An English gamer Edmund Hoyle noted this game as "tables". Inspired by the backgammon, he published a book on Backgammon which contains rules and regulations with regards to the game, especially written for those players who are indifferent with its system and complexities. His book paved the way for Backgammon to prosper and get noticed by players worldwide.
That was the long history of backgammon which transpired from several centuries up to the modern day gambling. Presently, backgammon is being played anywhere and everywhere in the world thru online gaming. The history of backgammon really evolved from ancient boards to the modern day computer, from the ancient books to today's software applications. Now updated players surf thru their internet for online backgammon to develop their skills. By doing so, he can then play or even compete with other players and enjoy the game for as long as he like.
Backgammon online provides diversified services such as down loading, tutorials, practicing, and competitions. The world wide web offers anything and everything about the game of backgammon.
Nowadays, one can really play the game of back gammon whether for real or online with some players for fun or for competition. From being a game of the royal blood, anybody can now play backgammon regardless of his social class standing.